Japanese Porcelains

#1406  Colorful Kutani elephant vase, 9"h. . . $110

Kutani vase, elephants, colorful enamels, hand painted, antique Japanese porcelain for Japanese interior design, ikebana vase, in Los Angeles

#1406   Kutani vase, very colorful, a pensive pachyderm on each side, strolling through rich foliage, surrounded by red and green vines, with colorful borders around the  top and bottom.

            Hand painted with some stencil outlines. Seal on bottom. Excellent condition. 9.5"h x 7.75diam.  C.1960 . . . $110

Bottom view - Kutani vase, elephants, colorful enamels, hand painted, antique Japanese porcelain for Japanese interior design, ikebana vase
Back view - Kutani vase, elephants, colorful enamels, hand painted, antique Japanese porcelain for Japanese interior design, ikebana vase
Side view - Kutani vase, elephants, colorful enamels, hand painted, antique Japanese porcelain for Japanese interior design, ikebana vase
Ki Japanese Antiques Los Angeles for Japanese interior design, Japanese garden, mingei ikebana, shinto shrine, Japanese hibachi, samurai, tanuki

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