Back view- Large keyaki wood baku, elephant temple guardian, devourer of bad dreams, for Japanese interior design, garden, Buddhist temple deity
Side view- Large keyaki wood baku, elephant temple guardian, devourer of bad dreams, for Japanese interior design, garden, Buddhist temple deity

Temple Items

#1471 Temple guardian, a baku, devourer of bad dreams, 20"L . . . $275

Large keyaki wood baku, elephant temple guardian, devourer of bad dreams, for Japanese interior design, garden, Buddhist temple deity, antique

#1471   Large keyaki wood baku, a Buddhist temple guardian, and "devourer of bad dreams",  originally carved from two pieces, slightly separated.

           Although the end of his nose is chipped off, and tusks long gone, he remains eternally happy, helping all who might need it. 9"w x 12"h x 20"L.  C.1850 . . . $275

Ki Japanese Antiques Los Angeles for Japanese interior design, Japanese garden, mingei ikebana, shinto shrine, Japanese hibachi, samurai, tanuki

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