Two-panel screen (byobu), five colorful woodblocks with handpainting, scenes of noh actors on silk, calligraphy, Japanese art, interior design


#9518  Small Noh play woodblocks, with hand painting . . $190

Two-panel screen (byobu), five colorful woodblocks with handpainting, scenes of noh actors on silk, calligraphy, Japanese art, interior design

#9518  Two-panel screen (byobu), with five colorful woodblocks with some hand painting, on silk; scenes of Noh actors and courtiers.  Woodblocks all 9"h x 10", 11", or 12"w; each signed with small descriptive notations.

          Screen with faint water stains, small puncture near hinge halfway up (visible on large photo); otherwise no rips or repairs on front. Back with repairs, some missing paper covering. 72"w overall, 68"h x 36"w x 2panels, with hardwood trim. C.1920 . . . $190

Two-panel screen (byobu), five colorful woodblocks with handpainting, scenes of noh actors on silk, calligraphy, Japanese art, interior design
Two-panel screen (byobu), five colorful woodblocks with handpainting, scenes of noh actors on silk, calligraphy, Japanese art, interior design
Two-panel screen (byobu), five colorful woodblocks with handpainting, scenes of noh actors on silk, calligraphy, Japanese art, interior design
Two-panel screen (byobu), five colorful woodblocks with handpainting, scenes of noh actors on silk, calligraphy, Japanese art, interior design
Ki Japanese Antiques Los Angeles for Japanese interior design, Japanese garden, mingei ikebana, shinto shrine, Japanese hibachi, samurai, tanuki

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