Top - #4183  Oribe tea bowl (chawan), classic form, slightly out of round, green splotch and brown abstract flowers, tiny seal, 5"diam. C1930
Bott - #4183  Oribe tea bowl (chawan), classic form, slightly out of round, green splotch and brown abstract flowers, tiny seal, 5"diam. C.1930

Japanese Ceramics

#4183 Oribe tea bowl, 5"diam . . $75

#4183  Oribe tea bowl (chawan), classic form, slightly out of round, green splotch and brown abstract flowers, tiny seal, 5"diam. C.1930

#4183  Oribe tea bowl (chawan), classic form, slightly out of round, soft horizontal grooves from hand forming on wheel; small unglazed foot with carved features; tiny impressed seal on base.

          Thin beige glaze over light clay body; with dark green splash dripping over the rim, with abstract dark brown flowers on the outside. Inside bottom of bowl with a somewhat rough thin sandy glaze. Excellent condition. 5"diam x 3"h.  C.1930 . . . $75

Side - #4183  Oribe tea bowl (chawan), classic form, slightly out of round, green splotch and brown abstract flowers, tiny seal, 5"diam. C.1930
Side - #4183  Oribe tea bowl (chawan), classic form, slightly out of round, green splotch and brown abstract flowers, tiny seal, 5"diam. C.1930
Ki Japanese Antiques Los Angeles for Japanese interior design, Japanese garden, mingei ikebana, shinto shrine, Japanese hibachi, samurai, tanuki

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