Japanese Porcelains

#1423 Pair 6-sided pots, with calligraphy, 13"h . . . $375/pr

Pair large six sided pots with covers, small blue and white print calligraphy, Chinese porcelain, for scholar's table, Japanese interior design

#1423   Pair of large covered six-sided pots, with small blue and white print calligraphy designs all around; built by hand, using large slabs and interior corner supports.

            The formal Chinese pieces made to compliment a scholar's study. Excellent condition; just irregular enough in form to emphasis  its handmade quality. Each 13.5"h x 10.5" diam.  C.1960 . . . $375/pair

Top view2 - Pair large six sided pots, covers, blue white print calligraphy, Chinese porcelain, for scholar's table, Japanese interior design
Bottom view - Pair large six sided pots, covers, blue white print calligraphy, Chinese porcelain, for scholar's table, Japanese interior design
Top view,Pair large six sided pots, covers, small blue white print calligraphy, Chinese porcelain, for scholar's table, Japanese interior design
Side view - Pair large six sided pots, covers, blue white print calligraphy, Chinese porcelain, for scholar's table, Japanese interior design
Ki Japanese Antiques Los Angeles for Japanese interior design, Japanese garden, mingei ikebana, shinto shrine, Japanese hibachi, samurai, tanuki

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