Actors view - Two-panel painted screen (byobu), Noh actors, ink, faded pigments, calligraphy, seal, antique Japanese art, interior design
Actors view - Two-panel painted screen (byobu), Noh actors, ink, faded pigments, calligraphy, seal, antique Japanese art, interior design


#17122  Noh actors,  with calligraphy, signed . . . $195

Actors view - Two-panel painted screen (byobu), Noh actors, ink, faded pigments, calligraphy, seal, antique Japanese art, interior design

#17122  Two-panel painted screen (byobu), two Noh actors performing for courtiers, with some calligraphy, signed, with seal.

           Ink and pigments, somewhat faded; some discoloration and a small minor repair bottom left panel. 61"w overall, 61"h x 30.5"w x 2 panels.  C.1910 . . . $195

Actors view - Two-panel painted screen (byobu), Noh actors, ink, faded pigments, calligraphy, seal, antique Japanese art, interior design
Actors view - Two-panel painted screen (byobu), Noh actors, ink, faded pigments, calligraphy, seal, antique Japanese art, interior design
Ki Japanese Antiques Los Angeles for Japanese interior design, Japanese garden, mingei ikebana, shinto shrine, Japanese hibachi, samurai, tanuki

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